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slushy hire perth slushy perth slushie perh
slushy hire perth slushy perth slushie perh

Fun2u often gets asked for advice on how many frozen cocktails to cater for an event. Each party is different, and hence requires a different solution.


There are many factors that affect the rate of consumption. For example, are the cocktials being provided free, or paid for? Are there any other beverages on offer? Are the cocktails being served as a pre drink, or being served all night? Is it an event in the summer, or winter? These are all factors that you must consider when choosing your quantites.

​​​FOR 2 BOWL COST $200.00


1 x 2 Bowl Slushy machine


2 Bottles of cocktial mix of your chioce


Makes approximately 20L after mixed enough cocktails for 90 to 100 people depending on cup size


100 pcs. cups


100 pcs. straws


Extra cocktail mix is available for $20.00 each ( Returnable if Unused )


We deliver, pickup and clean the machine.


Each Slushy machine package also includes regular cups, straws, delivery, pickup and cleaning of the machine for free all we need fron you is a strong table to hold the cocktail machine or bench top that can support 80 KG.

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